This Is Actually Quite A Clever Post Title
It is. You may not realize it, but it is.
I have no pictures to share, because my digital camera software ... is not so much software as crapware. I'm not going to name names (coughKodakEasySharecoughcough) because that would be wrong and mean.
I've just had a relatively and blessedly short visit from someone who I previously had boatloads of respect and general affection for. However, situations have changed, several true-nature-revealing-type instances have popped up between us, and although a portion of the respect remains, and a tiny bit of affection, things just ain't what they used to be. The visit basically consisted of her telling me what I should be doing, starting with the construction and remodeling of my back patio, to the tilework in my bathroom, to the profilic weeds taking root and threatening to devour my entire house along the sideyard. Siiiiiigh. Thankfully, she is apparently as disenchanted with me as I am with her, and the visit was short.
In other news, I have a sideyard! Coming from a woman who has spent her entire adult life bouncing around from apartment to apartment, these are dangerously exciting words to type.
Speaking of dangerously exciting, (and I totally admit that I may be just a tad too geared up for this) but I'm counting the days till the new Harry Potter book comes out. Oh, and I suppose that other one might be worth a look, too.
Um, how to bring knitting into the conversation, without mentioning anything Potterish and coming across as some sort of unwashed fanatic? Hmmmm .... my daughter has requested (without any prompting or poking with sharp sticks, even!) a Weasley sweater. That is just the coolest thing that ... well, damn. Looks like it's not possible, after all. (I am, however, washed. Quite regularly, too.)
Oh, and for the record? My lovely visitor today has informed me that she has books that are not Harry Potter, that I will like even MORE and won't be such a WASTE OF MY TIME. It's so good to have someone to do my thinking for me, so I can dedicate my mental energy on getting my socks onto the right feet.